Coaching Resources

Livingston Falcons Flag Logo

Volunteer Interest Form
Enthusiastic and positive volunteers, coaches, field set-up & break-down, and concessions are needed to make this season happen!

Flag Football Drills - There’s one thing all successful flag football players have in common: they master the fundamentals. Practicing a variety of football drills lays the foundation for developmental growth and makes you a more well-rounded, versatile player. This is especially important in NFL FLAG football, where teams compete 5 on 5 and every player has a role on the field.

NFL Flag Football Plays - To set up flag football teams for success, we put together a guide that prepares all levels of players. Whether this is your first season coaching, or you’re coming back for your tenth championship, our flag football plays and formations outline will provide a strong foundation for your team.

NFL Flag Playbook - It’s time to equip yourself, and your team, with flag football plays and formations for your upcoming season. To set up flag football teams for success, we put together a guide that prepares all levels of players. Whether this is your first season coaching, or you’re coming back for your tenth championship, our flag football plays and formations outline will provide a strong foundation for your team.

NAYS Coach Login - National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS)
Submit Background Check, fulfill training including Coaching Youth Sports; Sport Specific Training: Flag Football; Concussion Training, Bullying Prevention Training & Protecting Against Abuse

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Livingston Falcons Flag Football program flyer