Stage 1 Fire Restrictions in effect for Park County

Effective immediately June 24, 2021.


Park County, Montana- Persistent high temperatures, low humidity, dry conditions and recent high winds that have contributed to exceptionally dry fuel conditions, the Park County Commissioners have issued a ban on all opening burning, effective immediately, to remain in effect for 90 days. 

This announcement comes as a result of the U.S. Forest Service recording 4-days of severe fire danger conditions last week, worsening already existing fire conditions, and the forecast calling for high temps again next week. There have been several human caused fires started in our region within the last several weeks, and it is likely to expect additional fire starts from both human and lightning causes. Park County has an exceptionally high levels of visitors this time of year due to the Forth of July holiday and festivities.

Under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions the following activities are prohibited effective immediately:

  • Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire or campfire except as allowed in State and Federal established campsites in accordance with these entities and regulations; and
  • Smoking except within enclosed vehicles, buildings or where the area is free from all flammable material within three feet; and

The Following exceptions apply:

  • Persons using a device solely fueled by a liquid petroleum or LPG fuels that can be turned on and off. Such devices can only be used in an area that is barren or cleared of all overhead and surrounding flammable materials within 3 feet of he device; 
  • Any Federal, State, or Local officer or member of an organized rescue or firefighting fore in the performance of an official duty

Read the full Park County Emergency Ordinance below for more information including penalties for violations thereof.