Flooring Installation for new City Building

Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Friday, January 29, 2021 - 4:00pm

NOTICE TO FLOORING INSTALLATION FIRMS:  Notice is hereby given by the City of Livingston, Montana, that it will receive written bid statements for the installation of 7,400 square feet of commercial-grade, luxury vinyl plank flooring.

Project Description:  The City has recently purchased the building at 220 East Park Street in Livingston.  Before putting the building to use, the City desires that the existing carpeting be removed and that it be replaced with a commercial-grade, LVP.  Approximately 1,650 linear feet of rubber cove base will be required.  All bids should separate the following cost categories:

  1. LVP cost per sq. ft. (multiple LVP grade bids may be submitted)
  2. Cost of LVP install
  3. 4” cove base cost per linear ft.
  4. Cost of cove base install
  5. Cost of sub-floor prep, leveling material as needed
  6. Cost of labor for floor prep, leveling
  7. Carpet removal/disposal.

Closing Date and Address:  The City will accept written bids by U.S. mail or e-mail until 4:00 PM on Friday, January 29, 2021. Bids must be sealed and clearly marked “Flooring Bids” may be submitted to City of Livingston, 110 South B Street, Livingston, Montana 59047 or received by email to jwoodhull@livingstonmontana.org.  Contact the City Building Department at the previous e-mail with questions. Bids will be opened Friday, January 20, 2021, at 4:10 p.m.

The City of Livingston reserves the right to select the firm and accept the bid which the City Commission deems is in the best interest of the City.  Issuance of this request for bids does not commit the City of Livingston to award a contract and the City reserves the right to reject any and all bids.


For more information, contact Jim Woodhull at (406) 222-4903.

Faith Kinnick
City of Livingston
City Clerk
January 8, 2021