Chip Seal Project begins August 10th

Chip Sealing

Starting at 7:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 10th (weather permitting) our Street Department will begin a chip sealing project.

Crews will start at the 100 Block of South D Street, working toward South 6th. Followed by a move to the Green Acres Subdivision to chip-seal portions of that area. While chip sealing on residential streets, on-street parking will be affected during each phase of the chip seal operation. In some areas, temporary "No Parking" signs may be placed by the sidewalks next to the street before work is set to begin. Residents must move their vehicles and refrain from parking on the street from 7 am to 7 pm to allow adequate time for chips to set. Any remaining vehicles/trailers/RV's will be towed at the owners expense.

Affected streets:

100, 200, and 300 blocks of South C and D Streets

200 and 300 blocks of South B Street

300 and 400 block of South 3rd Street

400 Block of South Yellowstone to the Bridge

100, 200, 300, and 400 blocks of South 5th Street

100, 200, 300, and 400 blocks of South 6th Street


Green Acres affected streets:

Chestnut from Allspaugh to E Pine

Elm Street from Maple to Willow

Ash Street from Maple to Willow

South Spruce from Maple to South Park Drive

North Spruce from North Park Drive to Willow

Maple Street from Elm to Tana Lane

Drivers need to slow down in chip seal zones to avoid kicking up loose chips and oil, which can adhere to vehicles. If this happens, chips and tar can be removed with hot water, Dawn dish soap, and a good scrub.

Your patience and cooperation is greatly appreciated as we work hard to improve the lifecycle of our roadways in Livingston.